Minecraft has introduced a lot of new mobs and animals into the game that have their own unique functions and purposes. However, sometimes, you may feel like you've seen enough of the few animals in the game and want to experience something more, such as the addition of new mobs or creatures. Luckily, there are lots of mods available on the internet exclusively for Minecraft that introduce fresh new creatures and animals into the game.
This article will list 10 Minecraft mods that diversify the wildlife in the game.
This mod will provide you with a variety of new animals, like the rhinos in the savannah biomes, flamingos in the mangrove swamps, grizzly bears, tortoises, octopuses, toucans, seals, and many more. Some of these will be tameable and you can breed them as well, whereas others may just roam out in the wild.
Each of these animals will have their own purpose and function in the biomes they belong to. You can use this mod for educational purposes to let your child discover and identify new animals.
Promenade mod is compatible with the latest version of Minecraft 1.20 and adds lots of new features to the game. This mod introduces Sakura Groves, Camelian Treeway, Glacarian Taiga, Dark Amaranth Forest, and Palms trees in the Desert biomes.
There are new animals introduced into the game, such as Capybaras in swamps and rivers, Ducks in plains and rivers, and Penguins in snowy regions, especially on ice structures. You will also notice some new monsters, such as the Sunken Skeletons in oceans and Lush Creepers in caves.
This mod is quite self-explanatory, as you can guess from its name that it adds a bunch of bugs into vanilla Minecraft. Some of the bugs are the Weevil that munches on haystacks, Ladybugs, Praying Mantis, Rhino Beetles, Goliath Beetles, Tiger Beetles, Hercules Beetle, and many more.
Bunch o' Bugs is compatible with Minecraft versions up to 1.19 and requires the Geckolib mod to function properly. If you are a fan of bugs, insects and love watching Beetles battling with each other with their horns, then this mod is for you.
Doggo Mod Overhauled adds lots of new animations to dogs and wolves, allowing you to tame them, and each of them will have their own unique behaviors and personality.
Your dogs will perform acts like sniffing, scratching their ears, and stretching. You can also make your dogs play fetch with you. There are different colored dog bowls, and dogs will only eat from bowls that have their name on them. Sometimes your dog may start digging and find treasure buried in the ground.
Better Animals Plus mod includes an extensive number of animals, but they are not just show pieces. Each animal has a purpose and something that you can benefit from, whether you turn them into food or breed them to get valuable items.
The animals are spread out over the virtual world, and each one lives in a unique biome or area. These animals have life-like animations, and add a lot of character to biomes that were previously just filled with cows, sheep, or chickens. Over 35 varieties of animals will spawn in your world when you use this mod. The developers keep adding more animals to it. However, this mod is only available for Minecraft versions until 1.19.
Mo' Creatures, a mod created in the year 2010, adds more than 40 new creatures as well as monster mobs to the game. You will also have the ability to tame as well as ride some of these creatures.
The animals may not be as good-looking as those in other mods. However, this si to be expected since this mod was released over a decade ago. As one of the earliest mods ever created, it has a special place in the hearts of fans and remains a cherished favorite.
Untamed Wilds introduces the highest-quality mobs into the game. This is an open-source mod that offers the opportunity for a wild experience filled with dynamic and lively animals spread out in different biomes and locations of the Minecraft world.
You can come across the Rhinocorous in the Savannah biome, which is a passive-aggressive mob, meaning that they won't cause you any harm unless you hit them. You can find camels in the desert biome that you can tame and ride. Camels were introduced in the latest Minecraft update 1.20.
Alex's mobs add over 89 variations of creatures into the game. These mobs are divided into two categories: real-world animals (such as elephants, kangaroos, bears, and gorillas) and fictional creatures (such as the Endergade and Bone Serpent).
All of these animals have a unique purpose in the game, and no creature is purely an aesthetic addition. Each adds some unique gameplay feature to Minecraft, and they will drop loot when you kill them. Some mobs will be pretty easy to find, while others are rare creatures that you'll only encounter in specific biomes.
Naturalist is an immersive animal mod where animals interact with one another. Different animals spawn in various biomes, and the developers of this mod have decided to prioritize quality over quantity.
The animals present in the game are small in number, but the developers have nailed their visual effects and animations. For instance, elephants walk smoothly and practice real-life activities like throwing dirt on their backs to cool off. Rhinos will charge at you if they feel threatened. More animals with new animations are expected to be added soon.
This mod doesn't actually provide real-life animals but instead offers a huge array of mystical creatures that can be counted as animals. You will be able to tame these creatures, and they fit quite naturally with vanilla Minecraft.
Some of the creatures that you will find in the game are the little grebe, lizards cindershell sporelings, lilypad, minipad, yeti, end whales, and many more. You will be required to download the Geckolib mod along with the Creatures and Beasts mod to make it work.
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